Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Hygiene & Prevention

Here, our Edmonton dentists share preventive dental hygiene advice and tips to protect your oral health. 

Dry Mouth: Potential Causes & Dental Health Risks

Dry Mouth: Potential Causes & Dental Health Risks

What is dry mouth, what are common causes and how can it complicate oral health issues? Our Edmonton dentists answer these questions and more, and offer tips on prevention and treatment. 

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10 Causes of Yellow Teeth & How to Avoid Them

10 Causes of Yellow Teeth & How to Avoid Them

What causes yellow teeth? If you're unhappy with the smile you see when you look in the mirror, our Edmonton dentists list some potential causes, share how to safely whiten your teeth and more.

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Are artificial sweeteners bad for your teeth?

Are artificial sweeteners bad for your teeth?

Do artificial sweeteners cause tooth decay, or affect your teeth and oral health in other ways? Our Edmonton dentists share some insights into this common question, and what you can do to protect your oral health. 

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Accidental Tongue Bite: Should I visit the dentist?

Accidental Tongue Bite: Should I visit the dentist?

Do you have a bite on your tongue? If you've ever inadvertently done this while playing sports, eating or taking part in another activity, you understand how uncomfortable it can be. Here, our Edmonton dentists offer tips on what to do if ou bite your tongue, when to see a dentist and more. 

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Cracked Tooth: Symptoms, Treatment & Recovery

Cracked Tooth: Symptoms, Treatment & Recovery

A cracked tooth can be caused by trauma, age, tooth grinding and other factors. Our Edmonton dentists offer insights into symptoms and potential treatment options. 

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Early Signs of an Oral Infection

Early Signs of an Oral Infection

What are the early signs of oral infection? What treatments are recommended for oral infection, and when do we recommend visiting your Edmonton dentists? Find answers to these questions in this post. 

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Professional Fluoride Treatment: What You Need To Know

Professional Fluoride Treatment: What You Need To Know

What is a fluoride treatment and why do our Edmonton dentists recommend fluoride to our patients? Is there anyone who should not have fluoride? We answer these questions and more in today's post. 

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What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Are you scheduled to have a tooth extraction performed and wondering about which foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal? Here, our Edmonton dentists offer some suggestions, as well as what to avoid and when to re-introduce solid foods. Plus, find out how long typical recovery takes. 

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Dental Plaque: What Is It, Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Dental Plaque: What Is It, Causes, Treatment and Prevention

What is dental plaque, and where does it come from? How can it be prevented and treated? Our Edmonton dentists answer these questions and more in today's post. 

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Bleeding Gums: When to Be Concerned?

Bleeding Gums: When to Be Concerned?

If you notice bleeding gums while you're brushing or when you peer into the mirror, you might be alarmed. In this post, our Edmonton dentists discuss dental diseases and other medical conditions that may cause gums to bleed, as well as treatment options.

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Anxiety in the Dentist's Chair: How We Can Help

Anxiety in the Dentist's Chair: How We Can Help

Do you feel scared of your dentist but still need treatment? Our Edmonton dentists explore the issue of dental anxiety in adults and children and offer tips that may help to quell fear, allowing you to get those important visits done.

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Oral Preventive Hygiene: What It Is & Why It's So Important

Oral Preventive Hygiene: What It Is & Why It's So Important

What oral preventive hygiene and why is it important? Our Edmonton dentists answer these questions in today's post. Plus: preventive care measures you can take today to help preserve your smile tomorrow.

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Tips to Convince Your Teen to Take Care of Their Braces

Tips to Convince Your Teen to Take Care of Their Braces

teens with braces need to take extra care of their oral health now that they are receiving orthodontic treatment. But how do you convince them to buy into investing more time in their oral health? Our Edmonton dentists have some tips for you that may help. 

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What is TMJ & TMD? Basic Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

What is TMJ & TMD? Basic Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

If you have jaw pain, you may hear your dentist discuss TMJ and TMD. But what exactly do these terms mean, and what is the difference between TMJ and TMD? Our Edmonton dentists list signs of temporomandibular disorders and potential treatment options. 

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Who's right and who's wrong about tooth brushing?

Who's right and who's wrong about tooth brushing?

There are some myths out there that can misguide people about their oral health, including the correct way to brush and floss your teeth. Our Edmonton dentists explain how to correctly brush, floss and care for your teeth. 

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Why are professional teeth cleaning appointments so important?

Why are professional teeth cleaning appointments so important?

You diligently brush and floss your teeth every day, so why is seeing your dentist for professional teeth cleanings so important? Our Edmonton dentists explain why these twice-yearly appointments are essential to your oral health.

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Tooth Swelling & Pain: Causes & Remedies

Tooth Swelling & Pain: Causes & Remedies

Have you noticed that your tooth or gums are swelling or painful? Our Edmonton dentists explain why this may be happening and what you should do next.

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How Professional Teeth Whitening Is Done

Professional teeth whitening uses bleaching agents to remove stains and lighten the colour teeth. Here, our Edmonton dentists explain how the process works.

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Scheduling Your Dental Appointments Quickly and Efficiently

Contact the Azarko Dental Group Edmonton dental clinic that best suits your needs and schedule an appointment today. Visit our West Edmonton dental office for more information.

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I haven’t been to the dentist in years; what should I expect?

Our dental team at Azarko Dental Group provides caring, non-judgmental, personalized service, and knowing this you can truly feel at ease making your first appointment back.

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Why You Should Consider Flossing with the Waterpik Water Flosser

Benefits on flossing daily with the Waterpik water flosser. Visit our Edmonton dental clinic for more information on flossing and hygiene.

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The Dos and Don'ts of Using Mouthwash

Many people use mouthwash as part of their oral care routine. Not only can mouthwash freshen your breath, but it can also promote good oral health. If you're considering using mouthwash because it's been suggested to you by your friends and family or even by an Edmonton dentist, then it's important to make sure you use it correctly.

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The Importance of a Professional Dental Cleaning

Professional dental cleanings are important for preventing health problems and maintaining oral health. To schedule your cleaning, call our Edmonton dental clinic today.

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How to Teach Proper Dental Care to Kids

Visit Azarko Dental Group in West Edmonton for quality dental care services for children.

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5 Dental Habits to Develop for Good Oral Health

Learn about good dental habits that will help keep dental and oral health problems at bay. For all dental check-ups and cleanings, visit your Edmonton dentist at Azarko Dental Group in West Edmonton.

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5 Common Dental Problems Experienced by People Over 50

At Azarko Dental Group our Edmonton dental clinic provide comprehensive oral health services for the whole family. Visit our family dentist in West Edmonton.

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Your Guide to Effective Tooth Brushing Habits

Follow this guide for effective tooth brushing habits and visit your Edmonton dentists at Azarko Dental Group in West Edmonton.

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Mouth Exercises to Improve Your Smile

Try these mouth exercises to improve your smile. Visit an Edmonton dentist at Azarko Dental Group in west Edmonton.

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The Pros and Cons of Using an Electric Toothbrush

Looking to buy an electric toothbrush? The Edmonton dentists at Azarko Dental Group explain the pros and cons of brushing your teeth with an electric brush.

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How Does Stress Affect Teeth Health?

No one likes being stressed. Stress makes every task a little harder and can worsen problems with our job, our relationships, and our finances. Even worse, stress has a significant impact on our health. Our dental health is one area that is greatly impacted by stress.

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